About Buenas
Sebastian and Melissa, looking super professional in a wine shop.
We weren't always Buenas.
Until 2010 we were just the kids of immigrant parents, content to ride through life in the limbo that is a first-generation upbringing. We'd just moved to Los Angeles from Miami and, faced with a plethora of (absolutely the best) Mexican cuisine, we found ourselves missing the Argentinian, Chilean and Uruguayan flavors we grew up eating. So we started making and sharing empanadas with friends who loved everything about them—from the dough we made from scratch to the sauce we served on the side—and the rest, as they say, is history.
Fast forward to today, you've got Buenas, a line of South American-inspired goods to aid in all kinds of home cooking. We make sure everything tastes as close to homemade as possible so it blends right into whatever you're inspired to cook. Because while we'd be honored to be a food destination, we'd honestly rather be there for every part of your personal culinary journey.
That's us in a nutshell. If you'd like to hear more, have questions about our food, want to order product, or would love to have us and our empanadas at your event, send an email to buenasbrand@gmail.com.
Buen Provecho!